Archive Search Plugin

The archive search plugin is a great way of searching for content in archive or editorial repositories.

Plugin Configuration

    "id": "io.infomaker.archivesearch",
    "name": "im-archivesearch",
    "url": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/index.js",
    "style": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/style.css",
    "mandatory": false,
    "enabled": true,
    "data": {
        "defaultSorting": "Updated",
        "archiveHosts": [
                "name": "Editorial - Images",
                "host": {
                    "protocol": "https://",
                    "credentials": "include",
                    "hostName": "",
                    "port": "7777",
                    "healthPath": "/opencontent/health",
                    "queryPath": "/opencontent/search",
                    "objectPath": "/opencontent/objects",
                    "sortingsPath": "/opencontent/sortings"
                "standardQuery": {
                    "contenttype": "Image"
                "resultsMapping": {
                    "name": "WriterImageCaption",
                    "thumbnail": "thumbnail",
                    "url": "primary",
                    "credit": "WriterAuthors",
                    "caption": "WriterImageCaption",
                    "description": "WriterImageCaption",
                    "photoDate": "created",
                    "imageInstructions": "ImageInstructions"
                "type": "editorial-opencontent"
                "name": "Archive 1 - Images",
                "host": {
                    "protocol": "https://",
                    "credentials": "include",
                    "hostName": "",
                    "port": "7777",
                    "healthPath": "/opencontent/health",
                    "queryPath": "/opencontent/search",
                    "objectPath": "/opencontent/objects",
                    "sortingsPath": "/opencontent/sortings"
                "standardQuery": {
                    "contenttype": "Image"
                "resultsMapping": {
                    "name": "WriterImageCaption",
                    "thumbnail": "thumbnail",
                    "url": "primary",
                    "credit": "WriterAuthors",
                    "caption": "WriterImageCaption",
                    "description": "WriterImageCaption",
                    "photoDate": "created",
                    "imageInstructions": "ImageInstructions"
                "name": "Editorial - PDF",
                "host": {
                    "protocol": "https://",
                    "credentials": "include",
                    "hostName": "",
                    "port": "7777",
                    "healthPath": "/opencontent/health",
                    "queryPath": "/opencontent/search",
                    "objectPath": "/opencontent/objects",
                    "sortingsPath": "/opencontent/sortings"
                "standardQuery": {
                    "contenttype": "Graphic"
                "resultsMapping": {
                    "fileName": "WriterFileName",
                    "title": "WriterGraphicTitle",
                    "text": "WriterGraphicText",
                    "objectName": "WriterObjectName",
                    "url": "primary"
                "type": "editorial-opencontent"


Property Type Required Description
defaultSorting String false Name of the OC sorting to be used as default sorting
archiveHosts Array true Array containing query, and host configuration for OpenContent hosts.

Archive Hosts Options

Archive Host Configuration Example:

    "name": "Internal OC-Archive",
    "host": { ... },
    "standardQuery": { ... },
    "resultsMapping": { ... }
    "type": "..."
Property Type Required Description
name String true Name for OC Host, displayed in drop down list of available OC Hosts. Short but descriptive.
host Object true Descriptive label for Type, displayed in tab menu.
standardQuery Object true Object containing properties used for every search-call to chosen OC Host. Requires contenttype property to function properly
resultsMapping Object true Object used for mapping OC Properties to properties used by the plugin. See Results Mapping Options
type String false Set to editorial-opencontent when searching for content in the Writer editorial repository

Note: When type is editorial-opencontent, the content need to have thumbnail representations in Open Content
in order for them to be visible in the search result. This is a configuration option in Editor Service.

Host Options

Host configuration used to fetch information and content.

    "protocol": "https://",
    "credentials": "include",
    "hostName": "",
    "port": "7777",
    "healthPath": "/opencontent/health",
    "queryPath": "/opencontent/search",
    "objectPath": "/opencontent/objects",
    "sortingsPath": "/opencontent/sortings"

IMID protected ba-proxy, host configuration

If a IMID protected proxy is used the "credentials": "include" property MUST be set, if there is no IMID it MUST NOT be set, or set to omit

    "credentials": "include",
    "protocol": "https://",
    "hostName": "",
    "port": "5555",
    "healthPath": "/health",
    "queryPath": "/search",
    "objectPath": "/objects",
    "sortingsPath": "/sortings"

Standard Query Options

Standard options used for every search call. Might be used for contenttype filtering, disabling faceting, or enabling only fetching latest version of a document.
See Open Content API documentation for available properties.

contenttype is required to work correctly

    "contenttype": "Image",
    "latest": "true"

Standard Query contenttype Supported Values

Results Mapping Options

"key: value"-object used for mapping properties used by the plugin to OpenContent properties. To customize the mapped values, change the string-value of the "value".
The "key"-strings used by the plugin are defined below. It is possible to map multiple keys to the same OC-property.

  "name": "Filename",
  "thumbnail": "thumbnail",
  "url": "primary",
  "credit": "Photographer",
  "caption": "Caption",
  "description": "Description",
  "source": "ImageSource",
  "photoDate": "Photodate"

Change Mapped OC-property
Example: To change the mapped value of description from OC-property Description to Text:

  "description": "Text"

The value of the description-property will now get its value from the OC-property Text.

One OC-property mapped to many keys
In this example, both properties caption and description will get its value from the OC-property Caption.

  "caption": "Caption",
  "description": "Caption"

Available keys and their use

Content Type Image

Key Plugin Use
name Displayed when viewing the big picture preview
thumbnail Used for presenting the thumbnail of image
url Url to original image binary. Used by plugin to upload archive image to current OC configuration, and to display big picture preview
credit String crediting the image. Sets the credit-value of the created Image
caption String used to set the caption-value of created Image
description Displayed when viewing the big picture preview
source String used by plugin to display the source of the image, alongside the credit-value
photoDate Displayed when showing the big picture. Will be formatted to YYYY-MM-DD when rendered.

Content Type Graphic (PDF)

Key Plugin Use
objectName Used as label in results list
title Used as sublabel in results list
fileName Not visible in plugin
url Url to original pdf binary. Used by plugin to upload archive pdf to current editorial OC

To enable PDF searching, a new archiveHosts item needs to be added with standardQuery.contenttype set to "Graphic".


    "name": "Editorial - PDF",
    "host": {
        "protocol": "https://",
        "credentials": "include",
        "hostName": "",
        "port": "7777",
        "healthPath": "/opencontent/health",
        "queryPath": "/opencontent/search",
        "objectPath": "/opencontent/objects",
        "sortingsPath": "/opencontent/sortings"
    "standardQuery": {
        "contenttype": "Graphic"
    "resultsMapping": {
        "fileName": "WriterFileName",
        "title": "WriterGraphicTitle",
        "text": "WriterGraphicText",
        "objectName": "WriterObjectName",
        "url": "primary"
    "type": "editorial-opencontent"


Generates no direct output. Content in Archive Search Plugin is draggable and compatible with the Writer surface
and plugins which support content.