Article Name Plugin

2.0.0: Autosave enabled version

Allow the user to set an Article Name which is separate from the article headline.

Plugin specification

Article name is editable and will suggest a name depending on the article's headline and paragraps. The article name will automatically
be set when a new article is saved with no name set.

Article Template Notice

Remember to remove the content from any existing newsItem > itemMeta > title-element in the article used as a template. The title-element should look like this <title/> .

Plugin configuration

  "id": "io.infomaker.articlename",
  "name": "im-articlename",
  "url": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/index.js",
  "style": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/style.css",
  "enabled": true,
  "mandatory": false,
  "data": {
    "charactersToCopy": 25


Property Type Required Description
charactersToCopy Number false How many characters to use when using paragraph as title suggestion. Default value is 50.


The plugin generates the XML output described below.

        <title>My title</title>