Branding plugin

The branding plugin provides a way to override text elements in Writer components and plugins.
Example of things that may be overriden are:


  "id": "io.infomaker.branding",
  "name": "im-branding",
  "url": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/index.js",
  "enabled": true,
  "mandatory": false,
  "data": {
    "ximstory-story": {"en":"Chapter", "sv": "Kapitel"},
    "ximstory-search_stories": {"en":"Search chapter", "sv": "Hitta kapitel"},
    "ximstory-error-save": {"en":"Error when saving chapter", "sv":"Fel vid sparande av kapitel"},
    "dateline.short": {"sv":"ORT"}

The example above overrides labels for the ximstory plugin and renames it to 'Chapter' in english
and 'Kapitel' in swedish.

Also, the short description for 'dateline' paragraph style is renamed to 'ORT' for swedish.