Search Editorial Open Content for articles. Enables drag and drop from the search result to the open article.
"defaultSorting": "Updated"
name of the OC sorting to be used as default sorting"npDropLinkMatcher":
On drop, If a match is found params is updated with isNpDroplink=true
"contentHost": {...
Host config"credentials": "include",
and "mode": "cors",
indicates the usage of a ba-proxy using IMID, if not, those props should be omitted"contenttype": "Article",
Article contentType in OC"locale": "sv",
Locale used to print dates"defaultQueries": [
populate the query-dropdown with queries"icons": [...
icons to use in results list, article.product (specified in propertyMap) will look for
If a IMID is used the "credentials": "include"
property MUST be set in the contentHost
part, if there is no IMID it MUST NOT be set, or set to omit
NOTE if writer > 6.0.0
is used, the "sortingsPath": "/sortings"
should NOT be included in the contentHost
"id": "io.infomaker.contentrelations",
"name": "im-contentrelations",
"url": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/index.js",
"style": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/style.css",
"enabled": true,
"mandatory": false,
"data": {
"defaultSorting": "Updated",
"npDropLinkMatcher": "[^\\s]+",
"contentHost": {
"credentials": "include",
"protocol": "https://",
"hostName": "",
"port": "5555",
"healthPath": "/health",
"queryPath": "/search",
"objectPath": "/objects"
"contenttype": "Article",
"locale": "sv",
"defaultQueries": [
"label": "Fritext",
"q": ""
"label": "Artilkar med bilder",
"q": "ImageUuid:*"
"label": "Webartiklar",
"q": "ArticleType:Webbartikel"
"propertyMap": {
... (see documentation below)
"icons": [
{"name": "bot", "data": ""},
{"name": "blt", "data": ""},
{"name": "bt", "data": ""},
{"name": "kb", "data": ""},
{"name": "smp", "data": ""},
Default sortings are added by the plugin (Created, Updated, Published and Relevance), but these can be changed or replaced by adding a sortings
array to the contentHost
This can be done per contentHost
, or globaly in writer config top contentHost
to affect all search plugins and hosts.
"contentHost": {
"credentials": "include",
"protocol": "https://",
"hostName": "",
"port": "5555",
"healthPath": "/health",
"queryPath": "/search",
"objectPath": "/objects",
"sortings": [
"name": "MySort",
"field": "mySortField",
"ascending": false
"name": "MyOtherSort",
"field": "myOtherSortField",
"ascending": false
The property map is used to translate different kind of OC configurations into prop names that the plugin can use.
The left hand side will be used by plugin, fill in the property-names from OC on the right hand side.
) if the property is not in use."propertyMap": {
"uuid": "uuid",
"headline": "WriterHeadlines",
"authors": "WriterAuthors",
"images": "ArticleMetaImageUuids",
"created": "created",
"updated": "updated",
"published": "Pubdate",
"pubstatus": "PubStatus",
"premium": "ArticleMetaPremium",
"lifetime": "ArticleMetaLifeTime",
"newsvalue": "ArticleMetaNewsValue",
"channels": "ArticleMetaChannels",
"sections": "ArticleMetaServices",
"profiles": "ArticleMetaProfile",
"hasPublishedVersion": "WriterHasPublishedVersion"
Image below explains how and where the different props are displayed.
Article with WriterHasPublishedVersion=true
will be displayed with a blue background color
The tab under which the plugin will be rendered can be specified with the:
"tab": "xxx"
field, above the data section, you can specify in which tab the plugin should run, if this field is left out, it will render in a new tab{
"id": "io.infomaker.contentrelations",
"name": "im-contentrelations",
"url": "xx.../index.js",
"style": "xx.../style.css",
"enabled": true,
"mandatory": false,
"tab": "main", <--- LOOK HERE
In the article, the plugin will add the following xml block under newsItem > contentSet > inlineXML > idf > group
(e.g. article):
<object id="contentrelations-e17ef7b21393e2b1dac1c1fbd7ffc597" uuid="e390944b-08cf-426a-b4bd-ea0b9b28a4dc" title="Test article" type="x-im/link">
<link rel="self" type="x-im/article" uuid="e390944b-08cf-426a-b4bd-ea0b9b28a4dc"/>
Example of related image:
<object id="MzcsMjUyLDExMiwyNDY" type="x-im/image" uuid="1f220bbc-87fc-5b73-ab1a-c474ab71d026">
<link rel="self" type="x-im/image" uri="im://image/Rn0GMaBFK7oJyCTdAhcc0-TmZcI.jpg" uuid="1f220bbc-87fc-5b73-ab1a-c474ab71d026">
<link rel="author" uuid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" title="Photographer: Jean-Jacques Serol" type="x-im/author"/>
<link rel="author" uuid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" title="Photographer: Jean-Jacques Serol/Pepite Photography" type="x-im/author"/>