Image Gallery Plugin

Image Gallery with image preview and toolbox with drag-and-drop support
for sorting images.

Plugin configuration

  "id": "io.infomaker.imagegallery",
  "name": "im-imagegallery",
  "url": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/index.js",
  "style": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/style.css",
  "enabled": true,
  "mandatory": false,
  "data": {
    "cropsEnabled": true,
    "imageInfoEnabled": true,
    "downloadEnabled": true,
    "hideDisableCropsCheckbox": false,
    "crops": {
      "16:9": [16, 9],
      "8:5": [8, 5],
      "4:3": [4, 3],
      "1:1": [1, 1]


Property Type Required Description
cropsEnabled Boolean false The soft crop dialog is hidden by default. Set cropsEnabled to true to enable. Default false.
imageInfoEnabled Boolean false Adds ability to display archive information for image. Set imageInfoEnabled to true to enable. Default false.
downloadEnabled Boolean false Adds ability to download image (original).
hideDisableCropsCheckbox Boolean false Hides the checkbox for disabling automatic crop when set to true, default false.
crops Object false *Required if crops is enabled.
Expressed as an object of named ratios. The value for each named dimension is an array of the width and height ratio.


<object id="imagegallery-8a52dde8c22e270f0023d2060b0128b4" type="x-im/imagegallery">
        <text>In sodales lectus vel egestas rhoncus</text>
        <link rel="image" type="x-im/image" uri="im://image/znX8U1CU124n26zu7gb40_jBzSk.jpeg" uuid="c382c937-8511-5d48-9677-55658c2bbb32">
                <text>Image caption</text>
                <link rel="crop" type="x-im/crop" title="16:9" uri="im://crop/0/0/0.445/0.3707865168539326"/>
                <link rel="crop" type="x-im/crop" title="8:5" uri="im://crop/0.4025/0/0.5975/0.5599250936329588"/>
                <link rel="crop" type="x-im/crop" title="4:3" uri="im://crop/0.055/0/0.89/1"/>
                <link rel="crop" type="x-im/crop" title="1:1" uri="im://crop/0.16625/0/0.6675/1"/>
                <link rel="author" uuid="7a39b42b-1315-4711-a136-7b3a9f132110" title="Demo Demosson" type="x-im/author">

        <!-- Fallback when x-im/imagegallery is unknown-->
        <link rel="alternate" type="image/jpg" url="">
