
Add the link feature to the body text, so text can be converted to hyperlinks.

Plugin configuration

  "id": "",
  "name": "im-link",
  "url": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/index.js",
  "style": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/style.css",
  "enabled": true,
  "mandatory": false,
  "data": {
      "fieldsEnabled": ["title", "target", "download"],
      "fieldsHidden": ["download"],
      "targets": [
              "value": "_blank",
              "label": "Open in a new tab or window.",
              "default": true
              "value": "_self",
              "label": "Open in the current window."
              "value": "_parent",
              "label": "Open in the parent frame."
              "value": "_top",
              "label": "Open in the top-most frame."


Property Type Required Description
fieldsEnabled Array true Array containing field names which are enabled and used in the Link plugin
fieldsHidden Array false Array containing field names that should be collapsed when editing a Link
targets Array false Array containing objects which will populate the "target"-field, if it's enabled. Use the default keyword to control the default behavior for the target value

Available fields

Possible fields are: "url", "title", "target", "hreflang", "media", "rel", "mediatype", "download"

The field "url" is required, and will be added if ommitted from fieldsEnabled.


A link is found inline in the content text element.

    <element id="paragraph-12cdd9b8d3fbf01a544e30b11751eef5" type="body">
        Body text with a <a id="link-3d954f43b950f4b1704ba3e565e8467e" href="">link to Google</a>.