NCS Content

NCS Content Integration plugin enables stories created in the Digital Writer to be created and updated in NCS Content. It has a new sidebar, where it is possible to set NCS Content Specific paramters.
The print stories live in Open Content, but will send a copy to NCS Content when saving a print story.

Plugin configuration

  "id": "",
  "name": "im-ncscontent",
  "url": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/index.js",
  "style": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/style.css",
  "enabled": true,
  "mandatory": false,
  "data": {
    "nws": "http://DomainForNWS:PORT/nws",
    "contentHost": {
      "protocol": "https://",
      "hostName": "",
      "port": "5555",
      "healthPath": "/health",
      "queryPath": "/search",
      "objectPath": "/objects",
      "sortingsPath": "/sortings"
    "multipleDatasources": "true",
    "defaultDatasource": "ORC-03",
    "showUpdateFromNcsOption": false,
    "contentFields": [
Property Type Required Description
nws String true NWS/EWS host of the NCS Content Web Service.
contentHost Boolean true Object with configuration for the Open Content/Baproxy
multipleDatasources Boolean false Is the NCS Content system configured for multiple datasources
defaultDatasource String false Set the default datasource for content that wasn't saved with a specific datasource before
showUpdateFromNcsOption Boolean false Controls if the plugin should check NCS Content for updated content
contentFields Array false Array of fields to show in the NCS Content tab. Possible fields are: publication (Pub Date), category, area, workflow, textformat, note, priority, channel, articlegeometry, pagesugg


The NCS Content properties are added to the NewsML as a set of ExtProperties in Item Meta. Most have a ID and a Name property.

        <links xmlns="">
            <link rel="alternate" type="x-im/article" uuid="1850fd59-640c-4b72-8119-dc15835e18b6"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="imext:subtype" value="x-im/print"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:publicationid" value="1010815799"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:publicationname" value="Wed Jun 12 2019"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:publicationisotime" value="2019-06-12T05:00:00.000Z"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:categoryid" value="794944267"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:categoryname" value="Obituaries"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:areaid" value="619172426"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:areaname" value="area1"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:workflowid" value="1"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:workflowname" value="Working"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:textformatid" value="393700634"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:textformatname" value="Default Article"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:priorityid" value="768101937"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:priorityname" value="Downpage"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:channelid" value="99247"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:channelname" value="Courier-Times"/>
        <itemMetaExtProperty type="ncsext:articleid" value="1010822988"/>

Open Content backend extra configuration

These properties has to be setup in the Open Content the Writer uses.

xpath for checking if a story is print in OC:
    IsPrint - /newsml:newsItem/newsml:itemMeta/newsml:itemMetaExtProperty[boolean(@creator)]/@value='x-im/print'

xpath for getting the alternate link in OC, alternate link is used to connect the different versions of a story together:
    Alternate - /newsml:newsItem/newsml:itemMeta/im:links/im:link[@rel='alternate']/@uuid