This plugin is the default plugin for handling the article workflow, including saving, setting article statuses and scheduling articles for publication.
A workflow consists of a number of workflow items (states). These are defined in the plugins configuration.
"id": "io.infomaker.publishflow",
"name": "im-publishflow",
"url": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/index.js",
"style": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/style.css",
"enabled": true,
"mandatory": true,
"data": {
"workflow": {
"draft": {
"done": {
"publish": {
In the Writer client configuration, set the property calendarLocale
to override the browsers default locale.
Each workflow item defines properties for that state, actions to perform when entering the state and all allowed transitions to other states.
Below is a workflow item named "publish" for the stat:usable
pubStatus. The name is used to reference this workflow item, state, from other transitions.
"publish": {
"pubStatus": "stat:usable",
"title": "Artikeln är publicerad",
"description": "Du jobbar direkt mot den publicerade artikeln",
"saveActionLabel": "Uppdatera",
"icon": "fa-upload",
"color": "#288dc0",
"permissions": [
"transitions": [
"nextState": "republish",
"title": "Republish",
"preCondition": {
"permissions": [
"nextState": "draft",
"priority": "secondary",
"title": "Fortsätt arbeta med utkast"
"nextState": "cancel",
"title": "Avpublicera"
"actions": [{
"pubStart": "set",
"pubStop": "clear",
"pubStatus": "stat:usable",
"hasPublishedVersion": true
These are the top level properties for a workflow item.
The properties pubStatus, title, description, saveActionLabel can be left out when you want to have a workflow item that handles specific actions without keeping its own state. An example is "republish" that should appear in the menu and resets the pubStart value but then leaves the state to be handled by the "publish" workflow item.
Property | Description |
pubStatus | The pubStatus value for this item. |
title | Main title displayed to the user directly in the writer top bar |
description | Longer description displayed in the publish flow popout dialog |
saveActionLabel | Specify the label for the default save button in the Writer |
icon | Icon displayed in menu for the menu option to move to this state, uses Font Awesome icon classes |
color | Icon background color, normally Infomaker standard colors |
permissions | Optional array of permissions, determines who is allowed to save changes to article in current status |
transitions | An array of available transitions to other states, see additional documentation below |
actions | Array with actions to perform when entering this state |
There are a number of predefined pubstatuses available (and configurable) but there is nothing built in to prevent from setting up you own statuses. If the status reflect an IPTC- standard it has a name as "stat:xxx" and if it is a Naviga customized status it is has a name of "imext:xxx". This means that the IPTC-names represent the standardized definition, whereas the the other are customizations.
Look here for more detailed documentation
imext:draft (Draft)
imext:done (Awaiting approval)
imext:approved (Approved)
stat:withheld (Scheduled)
stat:usable (Publish/republish/publish changes)
stat:canceled (Unpublished)
An array of available transitions to other states.
"transitions": [{
"nextState": "publish",
"title": "Publicera",
"preCondition": {
"hasPublishedVersion": false,
"permissions": [
"nextState": "withhold",
"title": "Tidspublicera",
"preCondition": {
"hasPubStart": true,
"hasPublishedVersion": false
Property | Description |
nextState | The name of a workflow item to transition to |
title | The title of the menu option displayed to the user (icon from next state is used automatically) |
priority | Optional, can be either "primary" or "secondary", will display this as a more visible call to action button above all other transition menu items |
preCondition | A condition for this transition. For example preCondition{ "hasPublishedVersion": true } will make this transition visible only if the article has a published (public) version. hasPubStart:true will render the option disabled. Naviga ID Permissions can be specified inside a permissions array like: "permissions": ["writer:group/powerUser"] this will only be available for users with Naviga ID permission writer:group/powerUser (assigned to role powerUser or admin ). The permissions property needs to be an array even if there is only one permission added. |
An array of actions to perform when first transitioning into this workflow item.
All action properties are optional.
"actions": [{
"pubStart": "set",
"pubStop": "clear",
"pubStatus": "stat:usable",
"hasPublishedVersion": true
Property | Description |
pubStart | required , set or clear . Required requires the users to choose a valid time before this transition can be made. Set and clear sets or clears the pubStart. |
pubStop | required , set or clear . Required requires the users to choose a valid time before this transition can be made. Set and clear sets or clears the pubStop. |
pubStatus | The most commonly used. A string that defines the pubStatus value to set in the NewsML when first transitioning into this state. |
hasPublishedVersion | Set NewsML flag to either true or false |
The plugin updates the article depending on selections made in the plugin. The status selected updates theqcode
attribute of newsItem > itemMeta > pubStatus
element. Changes to publications start and end dates
update corresponding dates in newsItem > itemMeta
, e.g.
<newsItem ...>
<pubStatus qcode="stat:usable"/>
<itemMetaExtProperty value="2017-10-12T00:00:00+02:00" type="imext:pubstart"/>
<itemMetaExtProperty value="2017-10-11T00:00:00+02:00" type="imext:pubstop"/>
<itemMetaExtProperty type="imext:haspublishedversion" value="true"/>
When the article has status 'stat:usable' it is not possible to change the pubStart
property in the UI, because when an article is published it should not
be possible to change the publication date. An exception to this rule is the state where the action 'pubstart:set' is issued, which can be used to re-publish
an article.