Multi Teaser Plugin

This plugin handles teaser content for multiple types. Types depend on
the plugin configuration (see below).

Each teaser type has configurable data-type, content fields, and image options.

Plugin configuration

For the most basic configuration, with one teaser and the standard text fields, see Basic plugin configuration example.

  "plugins": [
      "id": "io.infomaker.teaser",
      "name": "im-teaser",
      "url": "{version}/index.js",
      "style": "{version}/style.css",
      "mandatory": false,
      "enabled": true,
      "data": {
        "disableUseOfAnnotationToolsForFields": [],
        "teaserPosition": "top",
        "types": [
            "label": "Teaser",
            "type": "x-im/teaser",
            "fields": [
                "icon": "fa-flag",
                "id": "subject",
                "label": "Subject"
                "icon": "fa-header",
                "id": "title",
                "label": "Rubrik"
                "icon": "fa-paragraph",
                "id": "text",
                "label": "Text"
                "icon": "fa-paragraph",
                "id": "customText",
                "type": "text",
                "label": "Custom Text"
            "icon": "fa-newspaper-o",
            "enableRelatedArticles": false,
            "imageoptions": {
              "crops": {
                "16:9": [16, 9],
                "1:1": [1, 1],
                "4:3": [4, 3],
                "8:5": [8, 5]
              "imageinfo": true,
              "softcrop": true,
              "hideDisableCropsCheckbox": true
            "type": "x-im/facebook-teaser",
            "label": "Facebook",
            "fields": [
                "icon": "fa-flag",
                "id": "subject",
                "label": "Subject"
                "icon": "fa-header",
                "id": "title",
                "label": "Rubrik"
                "icon": "fa-paragraph",
                "id": "text",
                "label": "Text"
                "id": "customDateField",
                "label": "Custom Date Field",
                "icon": "fa-calendar",
                "type": "date"
            "icon": "fa-facebook",
            "enableRelatedArticles": false,
            "imageoptions": {
              "crops": {
                "16:9": [16, 9],
                "1:1": [1, 1],
                "4:3": [4, 3],
                "8:5": [8, 5]
              "imageinfo": true,
              "softcrop": true

Basic Options

Property Type Required Description
teaserPosition String false Sets render position for teaser container. "top" or "bottom". Default value: "bottom"
disableUseOfAnnotationToolsForFields Array false Disabled annotation for fields by id.
types Array true Description of enabled types

Types Options

Types Configuration Example:

    "type": "x-im/teaser",
    "label": "Teaser",
    "icon": "fa-newspaper-o",
    "enableRelatedArticles": false,
    "imageoptions": { ... },
    "fields": [ ... ]
Property Type Required Description
type String true Datatype of teaser which is rendered in the XML as <object type="[type]">, e.g <object type="x-im/teaser">.
label String true Descriptive label for Type, displayed in tab menu.
icon String true Icon used in tab menu, uses FontAwesome icons. e.g "fa-twitter".
enableRelatedArticles Boolean false Set to true to enable adding related articles to teaser. Defaults to false.
imageoptions Object true Describes image options for type. See Image Options Configuration
fields Array true Description of enabled input fields. To disable a specific field, remove it from this array. See Fields Options Configuration

Image Options Configuration

Image Options Configuration Example:

    "imageinfo": true,
    "softcrop": true,
    "crops": {
        "16:9": [16, 9],
        "4:3": [4, 3],
        "1:1": [1, 1]
    "hideDisableCropsCheckbox": true
Property Type Required Description
imageinfo Boolean false Per default the image can open a dialog with meta data stored on the actual image. This can be disabled by setting imageinfo to false.
softcrop Boolean false The soft crop dialog is hidden by default. Set softcrop to true to enable.
crops Array false* *Required if soft crop dialog is enabled.[br]Expressed as an object of named ratios. The value for each named dimension is an array of the width and height ratio.
hideDisableCropsCheckbox Boolean false Hides the checkbox for disabling automatic crop when set to true, default false.

Fields Options Configuration

Field Configuration Example:

        "id": "subject",
        "label": "Subject",
        "icon": "fa-flag"
        "id": "title",
        "label": "Title",
        "icon": "fa-header"
        "id": "text",
        "label": "Text",
        "icon": "fa-paragraph",
        "multiline": true
        "id": "tag",
        "label": "Tag",
        "icon": "fa-tag"
        "id": "teaserEndDate",
        "label": "End date",
        "icon": "fa-calendar",
        "type": "datetime"
Property Type Required Description
id String true subject, title, or text (any other string will result in a custom field)
label String true Placeholder for field
icon String false Sets icon used for field. Default value is "fa-header" Uses FontAwesome icons. e.g "fa-twitter".
multiline* Boolean false Only available for field with id text Set to true to enable multiline text editing. Default value is false
type* String false Only available on custom fields Choose the type of input to use for the field. One of "text", "datetime", "date", "time". Default: "text"

*Warning Enabling multiline editing will change the output of data > text-element.

Output Difference Between Multiline and Simple Text

When multiline is enabled, the xml-output of the text-field changes when the article is saved.

Multiline Enabled

<text format="idf">
    <element id="paragraph-88beb76cb6af9ca39303bebc20497c56" type="body">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</element>
    <element id="paragraph-360f09442467b39801c6f60971b9c02c" type="body">Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</element>
    <element id="paragraph-337d42c0a735a1faab645382bbf39fff" type="body">Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</element>

Multiline Disabled

<text>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</text>

Custom Fields

When setting the id of a field to anything other than "subject", "title", or "text", a custom field will be created which enables adding arbitrary data to the teaser. When using a custom field, the type attribute will decide what kind of data the field will support.

Type Output format Output example Input element
text - Lorem ipsum Field editor
datetime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ 2017-01-30T12:00:00+01:00 Datetime field editor set to datetime
date YYYY-MM-DD 2017-01-30 Datetime field editor set to date
time HH:mm:ss 12:00:00 Datetime field editor set to time

Custom fields will be saved under the data element.

<object id="NjMsMTExLDIzMSwxNzE" type="x-im/custom-teaser" title="Lorem ipsum">
        <text>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet<text>

Basic Configuration Example

This is a config example for basic teaser support.

    "id": "io.infomaker.teaser",
    "name": "im-teaser",
    "url": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/index.js",
    "style": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}/style.css",
    "mandatory": false,
    "enabled": true,
    "data": {
        "teaserPosition": "top",
        "disableUseOfAnnotationToolsForFields": [
        "types": [
                "type": "x-im/teaser",
                "label": "Teaser",
                "icon": "fa-newspaper-o",
                "imageoptions": {
                    "softcrop": true,
                    "imageinfo": true,
                    "crops": {
                        "16:9": [16, 9],
                        "8:5": [8, 5],
                        "4:3": [4, 3],
                        "1:1": [1, 1]
                "fields": [
                        "id": "subject",
                        "label": "Subject",
                        "icon": "fa-flag"
                        "id": "title",
                        "label": "Rubrik",
                        "icon": "fa-header"
                        "id": "text",
                        "label": "Text",
                        "icon": "fa-paragraph"


The plugin adds one or more objects to the metadata-section of the idf.

<metadata xmlns="">
    <object id="MjE5LDE2MywyNDgsMjA4" type="x-im/teaser" title="Lorem ipsum">
                    <strong id="strong-10fab667cd669d088f1a04deb90ff32d">Lorem ipsum <em id="emphasis-01524d79eb8d6d0c54fbf04e9f871df4">dolor sit</em></strong>
            <text>Mauris at libero condimentum sapien malesuada efficitur non id nibh.</text>
            <subject>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</subject>
            <customText>Duis aute irure dolor</customText>
            <link rel="image" type="x-im/image" uri="im://image/fmglga0fK54ZwKjnufQgG027eOA.png" uuid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
                    <imageInstructions>This image has rights on how to use it...</imageInstructions>
                    <link rel="crop" type="x-im/crop" title="16:9" uri="im://crop/0.1075/0.08264462809917356/0.51375/0.48140495867768596"/>
                    <link rel="crop" type="x-im/crop" title="1:1" uri="im://crop/0.1975/0/0.605/1"/>
            <link rel="article" type="x-im/article" title="Tintin i Hajsjön" uuid="22885008-ec24-4b59-8edf-67109322f49c"/>
    <object id="NjMsMTExLDIzMSwxNzE" type="x-im/facebook-teaser" title="Lorem ipsum">
            <title>Lorem ipsum</title>
            <text format="idf">
                <element id="paragraph-88beb76cb6af9ca39303bebc20497c56" type="body">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</element>
                <element id="paragraph-360f09442467b39801c6f60971b9c02c" type="body">Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</element>
                <element id="paragraph-337d42c0a735a1faab645382bbf39fff" type="body">Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</element>

Notes on Output

Extending Teaser Image Upload

ExtendingComponentClass renders in a dialog when clicking upload image button.

Register your own plugin from the PluginPackage.js to extend Teaser Component:


Make sure your ExtendingComponentClass contains the onClose-method in order to
enable dialog functionality.

ExtendingComponentClass receives props to add image to teaser:

    pluginNode: <TeaserNode>,       // The active Teaser Node
    insertImageCommand: <String>    // Name of Command used to insert image in the teaser

Using insertImageCommand

In your own plugin, use the insertImageCommand to send an image back to the teaser like this:

editorSession.executeCommand(this.props.insertImageCommand, {
    data: {
        type: 'url',
        url: ''
    context: {node: this.props.pluginNode} // This tells the command to insert image on the active TeaserNode

Using insertImageCommand with Existing Transaction

If your plugin needs to send an image back to the teaser during a transaction, i.e handling a drop
event, that transaction needs to be supplied to insertImageCommand via params, like this:

editorSession.executeCommand(this.props.insertImageCommand, {
    tx: tx,
    data: { ... },
    context: {node: this.props.pluginNode}

insertImageCommand can handle images with types file, uri, node, and url.
Depending on the data-object the command handles the image insert differently.

Insert File

Send single file to insertImageCommand. Useful for file drag och upload.

data = {
    type: 'file',
    file: <File>

Insert Url

Send url for image to insertImageCommand.

data = {
    type: 'url',
    url: <String>

Insert ImageNode

Send single nodeId of ImageNode to insertImageCommand.

data = {
    type: 'node',
    nodeId: <String>

Insert Uri

Send uri-data with image information to insertImageCommand.

data = {
    type: 'uri',
    uri: <String>,
    uriData: <Object>