Text analyzer plugin

Renders create and update timestamps and displays word, character count, readability and size of the article. If
"source" is present in the article, this information will also be displayed. The source information
is represented by a link element in newsItem > contentMeta > links.

<link rel="articlesource" title="Online" type="x-im/articlesource" uri="im://articlesource/online"/>

The status information will be presented as well.

The attribute title is rendered.

Plugin configuration

The unit for the text size as well as the number of characters per unit is provided in the configuration. Unit is one of:
in (inch)
pt (point)


    "plugins": [
        "id": "io.infomaker.textanalyzer",
        "name": "im-textanalyzer",
        "url": "https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/v1/infomaker/im-textanalyzer/{PLUGIN_VERSION}/index.js",
        "style": "https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/v1/infomaker/im-textanalyzer/{PLUGIN_VERSION}/style.css",
        "enabled": true,
        "mandatory": false,
        "data": {
            "unit": "inches",
            "charactersPerUnit": "10"


Property Type Required Description
unit String false Valid options are: inches (inch) or millimeters (millimeter); Defaults to inches
charactersPerUnit String true A positive number specifying the number of characters per unit.


To be able to start the development server you have to specify the following keys in a .env file.

Name Description
BITBUCKET_LOGIN Bitbucket login
BITBUCKET_PASS Bitbucket pass
BITBUCKET_USER Owner of repository
BITBUCKET_REPO Name of repository
S3_BUCKET Internal target bucket for built plugin zip
S3_ACCESS_KEY Access Key for internal target S3
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Secret Access Key for internal target S3
S3_REGION AWS Region where target bucket is located
PORT Which port to run on, usually 5002

Start the dev-server with the following command:


Then install the plugin in a writer of choice, pointing url and style to http://localhost:5002/index.js and http://localhost:5002/style.css

