
All text style in writer has a corresponding component which is responsible for
visualizing the text style in writer, and convert to/from the NewsML document format.

Plugin configuration

  "plugins": [
      "id": "io.infomaker.textstyles",
      "name": "im-textstyles",
      "url": "https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/v1/infomaker/im-textstyles/{PLUGIN_VERSION}/index.js",
      "style": "https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/v1/infomaker/im-textstyles/{PLUGIN_VERSION}/style.css",
      "enabled": true,
      "mandatory": false,
      "data": {
        "styles": {
            "headline": {},
            "subheadline": {},
            "dateline": {},
            "preamble": {},
            "blockquote": {
              "shortcut": {
                "default": "ctrl+alt+4",
                "mac": "cmd+alt+4"


Only include text styles you want to support in the Writer. Only override keyboard shortcuts if neccessary.

Property Type Required Description
styles Object true Styles you want to enable. For supported types see table below.

Supported types for styles

Each of the supported type is a object which can take configuration in form of a object. Each type can overwrite keyboard shortcut see Plugin configuration for example.

Property Type
headline Object
subheadline Object
subheadline2 Object
subheadline3 Object
subheadline4 Object
subheadline5 Object
dateline Object
drophead Object
fact-body Object
pagedateline Object
preamble Object
preleadin Object
madmansrow Object
blockqoute Object


All styles element will be presented in <group type="body"> and you can example below.

            <idf xmlns="http://www.infomaker.se/idf/1.0" dir="ltr" xml:lang="sv">
                <group type="body">
                    <element id="headline-d1f5ac9f52fc17b4da89004c9c7493da" type="headline">I'm a headline</element>
                    <element id="preamble-a5efff9f3af396a0b0f095f2284b9023" type="preamble">Preamble</element>
                    <element id="MTA2LDIxMCwyNSwxMjE" type="dateline">Dateline</element>